WTS: Pioneer DDJ SZ (includes Speakers, Speaker Stands, Laptop Stand & Deck Cover)

Justin Chong

New member
WTS: Pioneer DDJ SZ (includes Speakers, Speaker Stands, Laptop Stand & Deck Cover)

Condition: 10/10 (Fresh Out Of Box)

Price: $3000

Items included: KRK Rokit 5 Speakers, Speaker Stands, Laptop Stand & Deck Cover

Reason for Selling: Under used due to work. Time to pass down this beauty to someone who will take care of it and develop the passion for the art even more.

No haggling, price set and preferably sold as a bundle instead of separate items. 11665608_10152816579576793_7451818530151377163_n.jpg11666080_10152816579691793_2013955655787021677_n.jpg

Contact me via pm@96887062 for more info.