WTS Pedals. Click for more details

All pedals are in working condition.

Digitech Hyper Phaser - $60

Flexible and versatile, this son of a bitch has never failed me once. It has 7 phaser types to it, all of which are very experimental and can be tweaked to suit your musical circumstances. So unless you want to sound like Meshuggah or Periphery or TesseracT, don't get it and embarrass yourself.
Great for metal, rock and experimental genres and sub genres.
Mint condition with scratches and velcro (Comestics, velcro can be removed, no box). Not for choosy buyers.

BOSS Metalcore - $80

Discontinued. While the pedal has high/low knob, lacking a mid knob it's perfect for delivering a low crushing sound that blasts so hard you'd probably think it was the cause of the 9/11 disaster, but it didn't exist back then! THINK AGAIN.
Great for Metal genres, sub-genres and conspiracy theorists.
Mint condition with scratches and velcro (Comestics, velcro can be removed, no box). Not for choosy buyers.

Devi Ever Hounds Tooth - $180
Gated Fuzz

Delivered by Devi Ever, this astonishingly fuzzy tin box takes all that tone fidelity and sustain and throws it into the ground. Because fuck all that right? Who needs that shit when you can get a tone raping signal which offers that Brian May sound without that fancy fidelity.
Seriously though, this pedal works great for experimental, indie, rock genres.
Brand New, comes with box. I play metal, this was a terrible purchase mistake.

Memory Boy - $130
Delay w/ Chorus/Vibrato

This bad boy comes from the gates of heaven or at least EHX's finest. Remember that time when your son failed to memorize maths formula? THIS AIN'T YOUR SON. The analog delay delivered by this pedal is what you'd expect. It comes with Delay, Depth, Blend and Feedback knobs for great flexiblility. Crank up the feedback to get a shrieking oscillating feedback sound that tears the ears off your audience (as heard in The Chariot's Daggers).
Good for anything. Not a real boy, but you can name him Pinocchio.
Mint condition with scratches (Comestics, no box). Not for choosy buyers.

Contact me at 82426377
No low balling
No trades, I'm a poor man, I cannot eat pedals.