WTS: Pedals & Accesories


New member
Hi All

WTS the list of the followings:

1. Jekyll & Hyde Version 1 gray casing overdrive (old & used) 100 sgd
2. BYOC delay ; 80sgd
3.Godlyke PowerAll PA9s pedal power (New) 24 sgd
4. PedalTrain frame 18 x 9 x 2 inches (estimate) used : 100 sgd
5. Brand new Vox padded pedal case 19 x 9 x 2 inches (estimated) : 100 sgd
6. Ki-Sound daisy chain (still in a wrapper) 8 sgd
7. Original TABs (used) >> Dave Matthews Band "Crash",Hendrix "Bold as Love", Extreme Guitar Anthology series, Eric Clapton " from the Craddle" ;15 sgd each
8.High quality Acoustic Guitar phosphor Bronze strings set, gauge 010 -047, mass produce for sampling purposes: alot to clear >> 5 sgd each , buy 2 get 1 free.

view pic : http://www.flickr.com/photos/7131907...2243/lightbox/

Interested sms or watsapp me 93633743, deal at Braddell mrt.

Thank you for viewing.