WTS: Orange Rockerverb 50 MKi *modded*


New member
This baby is goosed up. Here's the specs. It's running on 6V6 power amps which give it a very open and big personality. Tubes already upgraded. Costed me a bomb. Goose has neatened up the wiring and got rid of the noise N unwanted fizz. Brilliant sounding reverb with one of the best send returns In the business .. Great for recordings from metal to blues and Jazz. Heck it's so so versatile. Artiste all around are using orange now for a reason. They are the new 'British' sound.

Sound samples: www.myspace.com/shadesofember

All tracks ran this amp. Daddy's Girl ran ONLY this amp. It's my fav, but I need a change. hardest amp that I've had to let go to date.
Likes both humbuckers and sigle coil variations

Priced: $2200

Text me at 91734359
