WTS Novation Twitch (Mint - 2 Month)


New member
Hi! I have a novation twitch for sale, been with me for less than 2 months. Used it for only 5 times, due to busy work schedule and my depleting interest for DJ-ing. It's in a very good condition, no scratches, no dents. Comes with everything except the box.
A pretty good controller that is able to work with serato, traktor and ableton! Touch strip is a very cool feature as well!
Warranty is with a US dealer, if there is anything wrong in this year of warranty, do contact me and i will assist you in claiming the warranty! (Yet i doubt there would be issues as twitch is a solid controller!) Warranty has been registered with novation already, no need for any receipt to claim warranty. Free Twitch Bag by UDG given to transport your controller!
Selling it at $320! SMS me at 9226-3400 to deal! Thanks.
Will provide free islandwide delivery for interested buyer, and will also provide a laptop for you to test every button, fader and knobs to ensure that the twitch is working! Thanks.