Ray-Chun Liu
New member

Bought originally for SGD$295
Selling for $240
Condition: 9.5/10
Functionality: 10/10
Rarely used and it has always been kept at home. Great condition and easy to use, just plug in and play.
Inclusive of all original purchase items:
Original Box Instruction Manuals
Original Stickers (Unused)
USB Cable
Ableton Live Lite (License Transfer)
Preferred area of transaction: Bukit Timah/Clementi/Bras Basah
Do PM me if you are interested!

Product Description:
- This new 64-button grid music controller has all the features of the original but with much brighter buttons, faster refresh and expanded app/system support
- Made for Ableton Live (Lite version included) and compatible with FL Studio, BitWig, Reason and many other DAWs - Can be powered directly from your iPad or USB port - Controls your mix with volume, pans, sends, track arming, soloing and muting while jumping to different levels across eight channels at once
- Trigger loops and effects using the Launchpad app on iPad