WTS: Mosvalve 500 Power Amp


What we have here is a nice 500 watt solid state stereo power amplifier that sounds pretty tubey, and has tonnes of headroom and depth unlike most SS amps. Great match for modellers like Axe FX/POD HD Pros/Eleven Racks/etc, or just any good old rack preamps like an ADA MP-1 or Marshall JMP-1. This is the power amp Jerry Cantrell used in AIC along with a Bogner Fish..

Manual and Specs available here: http://www.genzbenz.com/img/manuals/tw/MV500UserManual.pdf

Good working condition. Pics and testing available upon request for serious buyers. Pickup only.

Asking for $450.

SMS/whatsapp inquiries to NINE SIX FIVE FIVE ZERO SIX SIX NINE or email nowherecatastrophe (AT) gmail dot com
