Letting go my MidiBox MB-6582 for $1,100 [as-is]. Condition rated at 9.0/10. All voices and functions worked fine. Follows a Wilba front panel. Waldorf ALP knobs. Six SID chips (4 x 6582s and 2 x 8580s) and five Banksticks (4x 24lc512 & 1x 24lc256). The machine for great SID sounds. For information, MidiBox projects come from an open source modular DIY framework (hardware and software) MIDI platform built around the PIC family of microcontrollers. This project was commissioned by me to a DIY builder from Australia. Though a lot of work had gone into this, one should not compare it with commercial/mainstream products. Comes with a custom power adapter for local use. Buyer is encouraged to test before buy.
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