WTS Maschine Studio Controller


New member
A brand new Maschine Studio would set you back $1,595.

For those without the Maschine software, you can get the Maschine Mikro MKII for $595.

If you do the math, even if you have purchase a Mikro MKII, your total cost would be less than the cost of a new Maschine Studio and you would have a Mikro to carry around for your gigs. And if you sell the Mikro controller, you can get back an additional $200 or so.

I'm letting this go for $700, for the controller only. Because I travel a lot, I hardly use my Maschine Studio hardware. Hence the sale.

So quick math.
Brand new Maschine Studio = $1,595
My Maschine Studio Controller ($700) + A new Maschine Mikro MKII ($595) = $1,295.
My Maschine Studio Controller ($700)+ A new Maschine Mikro MKII ($595) - Mikro MKII Hardware ($200) = $1,095

PM to deal.