New member
1) Marshall RG-1 Regenarator - Good condition Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, V Vibe, Step Phaser and V Chorus pedal with box.
Price :- S$90/-
2) Dan Electro - Wasabi AX-1 Distortion - 4 preset EQ voicings, two footswitches for rhythm and lead sound levels,
pick-up selector switch, footswitch taillights blown. Good Condition with box and instruction. Price :- S$100/-
Contact :- 96302010
Price :- S$90/-
2) Dan Electro - Wasabi AX-1 Distortion - 4 preset EQ voicings, two footswitches for rhythm and lead sound levels,
pick-up selector switch, footswitch taillights blown. Good Condition with box and instruction. Price :- S$100/-
Contact :- 96302010