Brand new clean condition. Used once. Absolutely clean new condition, internally and externally. Suitable for both ladies and gentleman.
(Friends will not know it's 2nd hand).
Got over $200 plus at Orchard 313. Letting go at $160. Shoulder pad sold seperately.
- It's got a special waterproof cover, great material against abrasion. Also has a special quick release strap. Specs found at:
Interested pls watsapp me at 90179293. Prefer to deal at NEX shopping centre, Kovan mrt. Others, we can discuss. Thanks and have a blessed week ahead.
(Friends will not know it's 2nd hand).
Got over $200 plus at Orchard 313. Letting go at $160. Shoulder pad sold seperately.
- It's got a special waterproof cover, great material against abrasion. Also has a special quick release strap. Specs found at:
Interested pls watsapp me at 90179293. Prefer to deal at NEX shopping centre, Kovan mrt. Others, we can discuss. Thanks and have a blessed week ahead.