Hi everyone,
need to make space so these have to go.
1. 1 x Loaded Fender '62 Pick guard (11 screws) with Fender Custom Shop Fat '50s in Neck and Seymour Duncan Hot Rails in bridge. Push pull knob for bridge pickup - $120
2. 1 x Set of Fender Texas Special pickups from my American Special - $80
3. 1 x Set of Fender Tuners from American Special - $30
4. 1 x BRAND NEW set of Fender Vintage tuners that were opened just to look at fit but NEVER installed - $40
5. 1 x EMG81 with Battery wire - $70
6. 1 x Dimarzio PAF Pro F-Spaced in Pink - $50
7. 1 x Seymour Duncan Screamin' Demon - $60
Boxes are mismatched and don't come with the pickups. I threw the originals away and they don't come with screws or springs.
SMS/Whatsapp me at 9622-two two two 1 to deal. No PMs as I don't check! Anyday and just about anytime but HAS to be at Tanglin Mall. Take them all for $400!