Selling a used Korg Volca Keys. This unit has been modded with a MIDI out on 3.5mm jack (following the Korg 3.5mm standard, so you can use it as a battery-operated MIDI controller) and a pre-filter VCO out, so you can process the raw oscillators with other gear.
Condition: OK. The housing has fair number of scratches and scuffs, and there is a velcro strip underneath, so letting go cheap.
Includes a fresh set of batteries. Will include 3.5mm to 5pin MIDI adapter on request.
Selling for SGD75. SMS 9-23-0-1007 if interested.

Condition: OK. The housing has fair number of scratches and scuffs, and there is a velcro strip underneath, so letting go cheap.
Includes a fresh set of batteries. Will include 3.5mm to 5pin MIDI adapter on request.
Selling for SGD75. SMS 9-23-0-1007 if interested.

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