WTS Handwound Klein Epic 55 pickups set for strat (SSS)


New member
This set is made to replicate exact fender 1955 pickups, in look, tone, and feel. This was taken from a set of 1955 pickups that were in shop for a rewind. Exact magnet strength of each pole piece, precise measurements, and the exact stagger is used in it's construction. Cast Alnico 5 magnets, gaussed individually to exact 1955 measurements, taken from an Original 1955 Stratocaster Set. Wound with the exact same scatter wound pattern that all of Leo's earliest winders used. Once the pickup is wound they are lightly wax pot to avoid microphonic feedback.

Output: Neck 5.5k, Middle 5.6k, Bridge 5.6k

Sms 96825640 to deal. Cost USD240 before shipping. Asking SGD210 with full box and papers.

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