WTS: Fernandes Revolver Pro 7 7-string electric


New member
Selling a Fernandes Revolver Pro 7. Its a 7 string electric, alder body, maple neck, rosewood fretboard, 24 frets, nicely set up Floyd Rose floating bridge, bridge pickup upgraded to a Dimarzio Blaze, and of course, the awesome Sustainer system for infinite sustain at the flick of a switch.

Very nice crunch on the bridge setting, great cleans on the neck for everything from pop/funk strumming to even a warm jazz tone. Very comfortable neck, makes it easier to switch from a 6 string to 7 string.

Guitar is in great condition, never gigged, nice shiny dark grey sparkle finish, just minor tarnishing on the screws.

Check out the reviews here:

Or have a look at the other reviews of the Fernandes Revolver 6 string for an overview of the quality and tones of the Revolver series. Guitar looks exactly like the one in this link, except without the dings!


Asking $600, which is a great deal for a 7 string guitar, and considering the Dimarzio and Sustainer system cost about $600 alone as an after market installation.

Testing can be done at my place in AMK/Thomson. Please SMS me at 94319665 for more info, pics and meetups.

