SOLD WTS: Famous pedals for sale NEW + CHEAP!(TC, Ibanez, HBE, Analogman, Dunlop-CAE)

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New member
Goodday everyone,

I have some very famous and widely sought-after pedals to sell, interested, please contact me at 82887000.

All pedals listed below are from my collection, so they are, super new, 100% clean, problem free and stored in cupboard since bought brand new this year or recently. Strictly no velcro also!

All prices you see here are generally 30% to 50% cheaper than brand new when you buy from singapore retail shop or from overseas which you will bear freighting cost. So my price here are seriously a bargain as they are 3 months old at most and super new os i seldom play with them.

No trades pls...

Since there are changes to the number things i am selling, so i might as well start a new thread as there are no way to edit my posting in soft forum after the 1st hour of posting.

They are super new and priced to sell, here it goes:

1) Ibanez TS808HW Limited, condition is super new 10/10 with box and everything, $400


2) TC Electronics Nova iB modified Delay, condition new 10/10 with box and everything, $270


3) Analogman Sunface BC108 Fuzz, FULL upgrade option(GreenLED, 9V jack, Sunface knob) condition is new 10/10 with box and everything, $280


4) Dunlop - Custom Audio Electronics MC-404 Wah, condition new 10/10 with box and everything, $230


5) Home Brew Electronics "THC" Analog Chorus, condition is new 10/10 with box and everything, $150


Thats all folks, interested pls contact me at 82887000.

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Just an update here,

the TC Nova iB Delay was sold.

Pls look at my other more collectible pedals! They are still available.

Got a Troll here says my pedals are over price, ok, since i have plenty of time now, i shall list down all market prices from local or overseas as one of the pedals here can only be bought direct from the manufacturer like analogman or if you decide to do it on ebay.

One thing about online is that you have a BIG problem if you received a lemon (sub-standard/grade B product) instead of a good working pedal.

The famous TS808HW, this thing is pretty limited numbers in singapore. I believe Swee Lee's sticker price is SGD $480, another way is from overseas retailers whose price ranges from USD $380 all the way to USD $700 which excludes another USD $20 to $80 depending on how fast you want the thing to arrive or if you want tracking service. So my price at SGD $400 for a condition like new unit is pretty a steal. Oh ya, USD $380 is a secondhand with scratches, usually new will cost USD $440 and above EXCLUDE FREIGHT CHARGE in USD of course.

The TC Nova iB delay which is already sold at SGD $230, my list price is SGD $270. I am very willing to give discount for this as i seriously have no more love for new products now. I prefer expensive, noisy and old school. Ok, brand new for this delay is selling at around SGD $350 from a well known retailer in singapore. Discount is possible but depending on your skill.

The famous Analogman sunface BC108, this thing you can only buy direct from analogman. So it has abit of a waiting time. The basic modeal cost USD $185 USD, that is without LED, without 9V jack input for your 1spot, without the sunface knob. If you want all of these good features, It will add up to around USD $260. add some freight charge you are about to hit USD $320 plus analogman's famous waiting time for sunfaces and their king of tone. So my one is pretty much new and with all upgrade options, at SGD $280, you are basically saving $100 at least, minus waiting time too. I can keep this thing actually, i love it, so i might just change my mind anytime, grab it while its still here.

The CAE MC-404 wah, i list at SGD $230. well its a steal. Try buying one from ranking sports or yamaha IF they has it. It will be slight below SGD $400. Chances are you will not able to get this wah in singapore. It is that good as it is fast moving item and few ppl like me selling it, ALOT of ppl is happy with this thing.

The HBE "THC" Chorus, this is an expensive chorus if you get brand new, seriously lush and warm. Brand new will cost you USD 300 inclusive of freight. I am listing at SGD $150 only. Basically more than 60% off brand new. This is a no brainer. I got a smaller chorus which i think save more of my board's space, so i will sell this slight bigger footprint one.

So moral of the story is: if you want to make profit out of pedals, buy my pedals. Cos i am sick of checking the forum and entertaining calls/sms for my pedals enquiry wanting cheaper price or explaining why i should give hem a discount. I want to sell it fast and dun waste my precious time which opportunity cost is much higher than pedals here.

IF you are interested in any of the pedals above, please buy them but i will not be giving anymore discount as they are already CHEAP or DIRT CHEAP.
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