WTS: Diamond Quantum Leap, WTT: TC Electronics Polytune with Polytune MINI

Mr. Nice

New member
Hi there!

I’m looking to offload my Diamond Quantum Leap as I have another delay coming my way.

Diamond Quantum Leap
The Diamond Quantum Leap is their newest addition to their line of world class stomp boxes, renowned for their analog voicings whist being able to maintain the functionality of a digital pedal. This new offering from Diamond combines their best selling delay features together with revolutionary algorithms of various other effects. With easy tweakability, the amount of sonic options you can create is virtually limitless. Comes with 5 different modes: Chorus, Flanger, Chorus, Tap Delay and Pitch Ramp Delay.

As taken from the Diamond website:

The Quantum Leap.... a tone toolkit of short delays. The QL offers lo res delays, flanging and chorusing effects as well as fixed comb filters - effects that are both great on their own, and also as an invaluable 'companion' to other analog or digital delays.

Cosmetics: 10/10 – Almost brand new, bought it only a month back direct from the USA. No scratches and dings whatsoever
Functionality: 10/10 – Everything is working perfectly fine

Price online: 249USD, or 311SGD excluding shipping
My price: $280

Price if you deal by this week: $270

Comes with all the relevant box and papers etc.

Trade wise, I will consider only these pedals:
Cause and Effect FET Dream, Memory Lane Jr., JHS Morning Glory, Dumkudo Tanabe, Ibanez DE-7, Neunaber Wet Reverb (Stereo preferably). Top ups can be discussed.

WTT: TC Electronics Polytune

I'm also looking to trade my TC Electronic Polytune ONLY with a Polytune Mini. Been using it for about a year now and it has no problems whatsoever. Only wanna trade it up for the Polytune Mini as I need to save some pedalboard space!

Perks of the Polytune (big version) over the mini:
1) Allows for battery operation
2) Has a power out in case you wish to power another pedal using the Polytune

Cosmetics: 9/10. A bit of dust on the pedal surface itself.
Functionality: 10/10. Working perfectly fine.

Comes with the box, box candies and respective documents as well.

Willing to trade and top up on my end for a small sum. Hit me up if you have one to trade!

Also selling Lava Cable Blue Demon. Please visit the link for more info. Will give a discount if the pedal is purchased with the cable.

Interested parties please text me at eight-1-two7-88-three-4. Pics can be sent through whatsapp.

Thanks for viewing and have a great week ahead!(:
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