WTS: CAE 3+SE Preamp + VHT 2/50/2 Poweramp + VHT 4x12 V30s cab

Fast Fourier

New member
Hello all.

Selling off a Custom Audio Electronics 3+SE Preamp, a VHT 2/50/2 Poweramp, and a VHT 4x12 cabinet loaded with Celestion Vintage 30s. Both the preamp and poweramp are in excellent working condition. The cabinet is about 10 years old, superb working condition (discontinued VHT model). The price for all three is $4500 (Sing) and is unfortunately non-negotiable. $7500 (Sing) was the price I bought the setup for and I am the original owner.

I am selling all three as a set so no individual sales. I have a 10 space flight rack (with castors) for free should you want it after the purchase is made. Downsizing as I do not have much time to utilise this setup. No trades accepted. Please contact me at +65 8342 3136 or fastfourier.transformer@gmail.com for expression of interest. Thank you.