WTS: Amplitube iRig for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (MUST SELL BY FRIDAY 30th SEP!)


New member
Ok, I don't know if I should post this here on under the accessories section. If it is in the wrong place, I hope the moderators can help me shift it. Thanks.

Anyway, I bought this in the States when I was there for a conference a few months back. If you don't know what this is, this nifty little thing connects your guitar to your iProduct (not iRaq or iRan). Through the earpiece, you can play your guitar without disturbing your neighbours, your wife or your baby who may be sleeping in the other room. I see some being sold here already. It works almost like the VoxAmplug, except that your Apple product gives the option of changing amp types and even effects. The app can be downloaded cheap.

Comes with the box, but you don't really need it. Going cheap for $50 non-negotiable. Sms me at 92980224. Thanks.