SOLD WTS> 13" Snare Bag, Tama Boom Stand, 6" Zil-bel, 8" A Fast Splash and misc items.

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New member
WTS> 13" Snare Bag, Tama Boom Stand, 6" Zil-bel, 8" A Fast Splash and misc items.

Prices are firm. Don't try to negotiate unless buying more than one item.
Thank you very much.

Cash/Bank Transfer only, not looking to trade unless otherwise stated.
Self-collect at Bukit Panjang.
Additional top-up if meeting at my inconvenience (e.g. deal in the East)
More pictures can be provided on request.

Contact me via
(1) Replying to this thread and leaving your contact
(2) Strictly SMSing or WhatsApp me via 96682315. Do not call. Will reply ASAP, usually immediate.
(3) PM me directly and leaving your contact.

13" x 6.5" Snare Bag

Looking at $60.

The stand was relatively rusty in two areas, the boom arm and one of the ratchet arm.
Rust was cleaned and refinished by using spraypaint as shown in the picture.
Looking at $70

6" Zil-Bel. Mint condition, no crack, dent or keyholes. Can be polished to shine on request.
Looking at $110

Zildjian 8" A Fast Splash. Good Condition, no crack, dent or keyholes. Have been polished.
Looking at $80

Also looking to clear the following items:

Evans G2 Clear 10", 12", 14", 16" heads.
Still in good condition.
Letting go as a set at $40

Hansenfutz Pedal. Good condition.
Left one only.
Looking at $60
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