WTB : Yamaha HS80M

Yes. If u still retain the sub, you may wish to let go the hs50 and get the hs7 ; most folks use the hs80/8 without a sub unless you really need a 8" monitor with a sub for deep low frequency mixdown of your audio tracks. Regards.
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Ahh ok. That's really informative. Appreciate your inputs. Do you by any chance know how much the hs7s are going for now? Brand new? Thanks once again. :)
Ahh ok. That's really informative. Appreciate your inputs. Do you by any chance know how much the hs7s are going for now? Brand new? Thanks once again. :)

Luthermusic 6569 4919 selling it HS7 @ $680.00 a pair.. Yamaha @ Plazasing outlet is more expansive..i think .Yamaha sub dealers ought to give you a better price. Best regards.
Just got my last copy of HS8 for 660 a pair at Esden Trading (Sim Lim, #03-21). Last checked, they have 1 last pair of HS7 for 515. Hung Bros is also retailing HS8 @ 700+.