WTB: where to buy 7 string guitar in SINGAPORE?

if you want cheap 1 get the J&D. its about $400+ i guess. I got mine Ibanez GRX720 $350 used online.
Yeah Swee Lee, I got my Peavey Predator 7 @ $275 brand new :mrgreen: the last time I went there (2 weeks ago) theres an ibanez rg but that 1 goes for $1k++ though.
always good to try some 7 stringers to get a feel of the neck and the difference of having the extra low B string.. normally mistake it for the low E =)
The 7-string Ibanez costing 1K+ is probably the RG7321. I'm not a big fan of Ibanez electrics as of recently (other than the one I have) but the RG7321 was really impressive.

Jerryoc221: How's the Predator 7 serving you? Is $275 the regular price? I feel like getting a 7-string but don't intend to spend too much as I won't be using it very much.