WTB: USB MIDI Interface or USB MIDI Cable and MIDI Cable


New member
Looking to get a USB MIDI interface and a seperate MIDI to MIDI Cable.
Will consider MIDISPORT 1x1 type or cable type. (E-MU XMIDI 1x1 TAB, MIDISPORT UNO, etc)
Don't really need so many MIDI ports and want to keep the price down but if you have something less than $100 I might consider if it's USB 2.0. (1/4" Instrument In would be a bonus but XLR I really have no use for it now)

Have a Beta Aivin NG-100 Noisegate to trade, but I doubt anyone is interested. Will have suitable top-up from my side in the unlikely event someone does want to trade. Condition is okay, with velcro.

SMS(Only) offers to 94574794 - Zhi Zheng
Would prefer to deal at my convenience since I'm having my exams now. Will not be able to deal immediately or too soon.
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