WTA - Joyo wireless transmitter and reciver


New member

looks really small and tidy,anyone tried it any reviews on small pub/club gig kinda set-up?


i been gassing for a g30 and coz of that i might need to build a bigger board to add that extra space, till i chance into this. anyone tried this up in a small club gigs/jam situation?
If you dont get response even in Talkbass, it would mean either:
a) the product is so new, nobody has tried (even for the low price).
b) the product manufacturing company is unheard of, nobody wanted to try (even for the low price).

My opinion, you could buy the set to test. You still can sell in forums (if there are takers) later, for whatever reasons.

Or best get SV to sponsor you one, and you write reviews for them.
things is I everr bot th Biyang wireless - tested in shop was ok but on stage after a while - kinda yuckkkk

I have seen 2 ppl selling it in soft's buy & sell threads so I hope thes kind souls can give umoreinfo..

im gna go get one for myself and give it a try... worth the try i guess.? at least if it aint tt good, i'll take it as a lesson.. a pro once warned me against wireless sets due to interference or wat not... but, i dun see probs with professionals using them.. so im gna give it a try... =)) hope its more positive then i hope it would be...
Those wireless mikes you see on stage, do you know how many directional antennae pointing towards the stage are used to prevent blind spots? lol

Looking at Joyo's design, I'll skip it anyway.
yeah folks using G30 and its decently good, as for Joyo need a good review of it to part with my $180 i am a bit selfish
i have one of these

I bought a set awhile back. Comparing it to the other wireless systems ive tried in Sg, i was really impressed by the gizmo's small size, affordable price, decent range (around 80m, tested by running around peninsula basement while confused shoppers wonder where the heck the sound is coming from), insignificant blindspot issues and lack of tone loss.

After using it for a few live performances though, i discovered one fatal flaw. Turns out the bluetooth technology Joyo uses has a slight lag passing from the transmitter to the receiver..... not really detectable to the naked ear..... but on a large stage, playing a little too fast because of adrenaline, playing slapbass.... the result get quite bad. Ended up getting comments about timing which i'd never gotten before i started using the wireless. Quite a pity really, because i love the freedom this little thingy provides, but it ended up compromising your ability to perform the most important task of grooving in time to the music.

Was thinking about selling it on but my conscience didnt allow me to. Hope that sharing my experience with my unit will help you other muscians out there and help the OP make his decision.
I think what he meant was playing fast bass notes with the lag is like playing guitar with delay, the emphasize on the beat is lost and end up throwing the whole band of tempo.
all right brotha. thnx for the info. hmm. is it cause that lag, even so minute, i dont think i'll get my hands on it.. thanks brotha...
Line6 wireless is fixed at 4ms lag (found in Line6 suport forum). If the Joyo is comparable, I dont think it's a problem. There will always be lag for wireless transmission right?
i think for a slow song and playing one note per bar, the millisecond lag will not be so significant as its a smaller fraction of one bar of time. playing a faster song with more notes per bar though, the effect becomes alot more noticeable. line 6 uses the traditional UHF signal for their wireless systems (the one i tried had no lag but ate tone), joyo is the first time ive ever heard of a bluetooth system so i dont think you can really compare them against one another
but is it that bad, lets say i stand 5 to 6 m from the amp? or just 2 or 3 m from my pedal board I think i'll plug this in my pedal board then use a cable to connect it to my amp