Worth buying guitar from USA?


New member
Any friends here had tried importing guitar or buy guitar during your trip to USA?

Any experience to share.

Is there anything that is good to get from there or cannot or expensive to get from Singapore?
yes...you might save as compared to buying from SL...however yea i've got some guitars 1st hand and they turned out not as slick. still it's a huge saving
Yeah, i know how you feel too, since guitar center recently started shipping here alot of doors have opened. But the downside is that shipping will cost alot. And if you plan to buy higher end guitars like gibson, you ought to buy them here since you have to pay tax for goods above 1000sgd i think and gibsons dont come cheap. We have guitar shops here for a reason.:)
GST kicks in at 400SGD, not 1000. And Guitar Centre has a very limited selection, due to export restrictions.
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Thanks all for your kind inputs.

It sound not quite worth to buy it via mail order.

How about to get it from there directly, like during visits?

Am looking for Gibson LP but not sure if it worth the trouble and if there is any other risk like warranty complications as compare to buy from local shop.
From your post, seems like you're planning on going to the usa on a trip soon.

Ive bought and brought a guitar back from the usa b4. That time was a gibson sg special faded. If i remember correctly got it in for only like us$600. That was like 4 or 5 years back. Kept it for a year and sold it for around 900-1000 sing. Got an epi hardcase to go along with it. Brought it on the plane, stashed it on the overhead compartment without any issues. Ive also traveled on a plane carrying acoustic guitar b4, checked in on plane came out without issues as well. Before you go check out the addresses of the guitar shops and guitar centers close to your location. Just remember USA isn't sg, u may need to travel an hour or 2 to reach your destination so plan in advance.

GST? What gst? As long as you're hand carrying the guitar, just walk across the sg customs as if you're not doing anything wrong and you're through. Same goes for electronics, clothes bags etc... As long as its not a controlled item like liquor or cigarettes should have no problems at customs.

Warranty complications? For gibson les paul, can easily be repaired by most local shops here. Spare parts are plentiful too. Check this out with prices starting from us$800 for the les paul studio http://www.music123.com/search/search.jsp?question=gibson+les+paul and tons more options available compared to what the stores here carries. It'd be insane not to at least check out the store if you're happening to be going there on tour or visiting friends/relatives.
Hi shioks76

Thanks for the insights on your purchase.

Yes, I am planning a trip there and still searching for guitar shop. I am also thinking of ordering online and have it send to the hotel. However, I need to ensure the delivery could be done timely before my checkout. I think there would be some level of risk if the delivered guitar was not in good condition. I guess it would be better to get from the shop. Not sure if any friends can recommend a wed site that I could get guitar shop information for US please.

Next, I have read from the Internet that there are Made in China version in the US market. My main worry is that I may not have trained eyes to differciate between real from fake.

Many thanks.
If you are buying first hand Gibson and getting from a reputable major store, its quite safe to say that you're
getting the real deal. Some of the bigger retailers include guitar center, sam ash etc. alternatively, u can join a
usa based online guitar forum and ask for recommendations close to the places that you are going.


Are u dead set on getting a gibson? Do try other brands as well while there.
Thanks shioks76

You had given me exactly what I was looking for.

Going for Gibson is a safe bet for me, however if could locate a reputable shop there, I will definitely try out other made too.
I guess USA made guitars are generally cheaper in there. You might want to have a look at the boutique guitars since Singapore does not have much selection.
personally i would prefer to order from dealers in singapore,shiping would be safer. there shouldnt be any fakes if they order from the makers.
Hi again 3TS, I suggest directly buying from USA, the tax levied in Singapore and also the handling and shipping cost from there is not very cheap,

I bought 4 Fender guitars from Japan so far, all of them made there, and they arrived safely in Singapore within 3-5 days, and 1 Gibson USA Les Paul from BGW,
shouldnt be directing your suggestions to me.
personally,i use only japanese gears and i get them whenever i return to japan.
I have purchased a PGM, J-Custom, Gibson Les Paul & an ErnieBall MM from eBay. I make it a point to NEVER buy a guitar from SG cos I can get it way cheaper (including shipping & tax) elsewhere. I received all quality items and i have no regrets. Just make sure you do your research first. I only but strings and picks locally.