Workshop Assistant wanted


New member
Hi all,

We have a vacancy for a temp workshop assistant and minimum commitment period is 3 months. You will be trained to:

1) Setup and install pickups on acoustic guitars
2) Fret leveling
3) Nut and saddle making
4) Sorting out warehouse inventory

Nature of work is repetitive and can be physically demanding. Working time is Mon - Fri 10-6pm. Students on long break or ORD personnel would be ideal. I will not entertain mails from people who do not meet the stipulated working timing.

Training will be provided and wages will be $5/hour. If you quit during the training period of 2 weeks, you will not be paid for days that you attended training. Please email me at if you're interested

Nope, but patience coupled with enthusiasm is a prerequisite.

Below are scenarios I want to avoid:

1) "I'm here to learn" - It's a job, whatever you learn is for the Job at hand. If I wanted students, I would charge for it.

2) "Job is boring and tiring" - That's the nature of the job. You will learn a fair bit, but the job is monotonous and can be physically demanding at times.

3) "So and so does things that way" - While I am open to new ideas if they are significant to improving efficiency, trying to show how much you 'know' doesn't impress me. The ability to troubleshoot and solve problems is ultimately what I want, not ideas plucked out from various online sources.

Academic background is not important. If you can use a screw driver properly without stripping the screw head, you're probably capable enough to do this job.
