Why is there such a big difference?

Hi guys,

I was looking at the thread that gives links to all the music shops in Singapore. Thanks SOFT for the info. I had no idea there were so many shops in Singapore.

I was looking at Ebenex Music and I noticed that the price for lot of items in Ebenex is almost half the price in SweeLee.

For example, check out the Boss GT10:

Ebenex: http://www.ebenex.com/index.php?pag...facturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=35

SL: http://sweelee.com.sg/catalog/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=9&products_id=438

I know SL tends to be slightly more expensive.. But the difference here is almost double!!. Is there any reason for this? Is Ebenex a trustworthy shop? I know this sounds silly, but is there any chance that these are not original products or may be second hand?
some stuff at ebenex may be 2nd hand. u gotta ask the staff. as for sweelee...whether or not its 2nd hand u gotta check urself lol. and sweelee usually puts the retail price, which is always loads above the street price. then they'll say i give u discount and drop it to ard the street price. :)
okay what sl does best is that they always give u a discount. and do u really think that u're in a gain of gear? what sl does is that they mark up the price and give u a discount on that. so think again next time sl offers a discount.
might i ask..also, why is there a HUGE difference between the price of ehx pedals in blackwood guitars and the price on the web.

Holy grail @ blackwood guitars $225 , holy grail @ musicianfriend, converted to SGD : $165
might i ask..also, why is there a HUGE difference between the price of ehx pedals in blackwood guitars and the price on the web.

Holy grail @ blackwood guitars $225 , holy grail @ musicianfriend, converted to SGD : $165

They need to ship in and earn money... How do they earn money if they sell $200?
i'm not sure how it works... but 36% mark up is clearly a big percentage?

also, Davis and Citymusic have priced their pedals even lower than musicianfriend.
What specific pedals are you talking about? Maybe because they order in thousands, the retailer gives them a discount and they can keep their prices low And personally shipping it in will cost you quite a bit, and, on musicianfriend's website, they state that they only ship to US and Canada. So in Singapore, if you want it, either you buy from the only shop that sells it, or, you don't get it. Simple as that.
okay what sl does best is that they always give u a discount. and do u really think that u're in a gain of gear? what sl does is that they mark up the price and give u a discount on that. so think again next time sl offers a discount.

I learned that lesson the hard way recently. As I mentioned in another post, I got my S520EX Ibanez from SL during the year end sale for 900 SGD. The marked price was 1800$. After coming home, I checked online and it was only 800SGD with freeshipping. And most shops were giving christmas discounts and I could have gotten it for 600SGD.

My S520EX came with a 3 way switch, even though Ibanez website states that the model has a special 5 way switch because you can split the humbuckers into single coils. This made me feel even more terrible coz the ones from US all had 5 way switch.
i'm not sure how it works... but 36% mark up is clearly a big percentage?

I totally agree. 36% for a commercial product is too much profit. And I do not buy the whole shipping cost argument. SL and other shops have dealership agreements with major manufacturers and they take stock in bulks only few times a year.. Shipping cost, when distributed among the product, will only cost peanuts.
also, Davis and Citymusic have priced their pedals even lower than musicianfriend.

Another valid point. After feeling cheated at SL during the Year End sale, I did a good deal of research on all the products offered for City Music Year End sale before I head down to Peace Centre. Surprisingly, all the products were reasonably priced before discount compared to US dealers and online shops. And the price after discount was actually a discounted price and not just a marketing stunt.
And you're willing to take the risk that you pay and they don't deliver/deliever in bad condition? How're you gonna complain? But with local shops you can go down with a receipt and complain, ask for a new piece. Not saying it happens all the time but there is that risk. The extra 100 bucks is for that guarantee, and also for trying out. Remember, each particular piece, although it's the same model, may be differently made... Some are finished well but others, have rough finishes. (Especially on semi-hollows. The f-holes.) So even if you like that particular tone, you may not get it in the one you shipped over. Just my two cents, :D
I learned that lesson the hard way recently. As I mentioned in another post, I got my S520EX Ibanez from SL during the year end sale for 900 SGD. The marked price was 1800$. After coming home, I checked online and it was only 800SGD with freeshipping. And most shops were giving christmas discounts and I could have gotten it for 600SGD.

Uhhhh, free shipping only within the lower 48 states, I believe, not worldwide.

36% for a commercial product is too much profit.

More money is gooooooood.

And seriously, they are not taking a gun to your head and forcing you to buy from them. If you can find it cheaper elsewhere, go for it.
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And you're willing to take the risk that you pay and they don't deliver/deliever in bad condition? How're you gonna complain?

I do agree that there is a risk. But it is not a big one if you buy from a reputable online shop (esp nowadays where online shopping is becoming a necessity over convenience). I do a lot of online shopping (not just for music stuff) and I have had my share of wrong deliveries. With good established online companies, the same system of sending it back and getting another piece works as well as a local shop. But I do see your worry.

But with local shops you can go down with a receipt and complain, ask for a new piece.

Haha.. not if it is SL. Might as well look at the wall on your room and vent your frustration on it for a while :)

The extra 100 bucks is for that guarantee, and also for trying out.

Personally, I am willing to pay extra 100 bucks for all the points you mentioned. May be another 100 bucks more to avoid the waiting time for my stuff to arrive. But in my first example of GT10, the difference was 700 odd $!! Thats ridiculous.

And your point makes more sense for buying guitar, not much for assembly line products like effects pedals.

Remember, even online shops or shops like City Music marks the price up to earn their profit and I am sure the margin is around 30% (based on my current job which has nothing to do with music). The extra money shops like SL is trying to make is on top of that 30% because the whole sale price that SL pays is the same as the online shops. Doesn't that make your blood boil?
Uhhhh, free shipping only within the lower 48 states, I believe, not worldwide.

Hmmm may be.. I didnt go into that very much. Either way, it would not have costed me more than 300 bucks right? The guitar was 600 SGD. So for the same price I paid in SL (900 SGD), I could have gotten a brand new S520EX with 5 way switch.

Anyways, not a big complaint there as I love my guitar.
Agreed, it does. But i was looking at boss pedals from mf's. They were marked at around 200 USD, while Sweelee sells them around 250 SGD. So they make more on some, but on others, they have a smaller profit margin. Sometimes breaking even only. Hmm,SL is not that bad a shop. There are probably many complaints around, because, many people buy from them. Unlike small time music shops, whre few people buy, so less complaints...
And oh no, Swee Lee marks everything up for the sale BEFORE giving the discount. So maybe it's an extra 2-300 SGD. And that's for guarantee, for the tone, for the fact you can make a small trip down instead of paying shipping back and forth for a replacement/repairs.
Hmmm may be.. I didnt go into that very much. Either way, it would not have costed me more than 300 bucks right? The guitar was 600 SGD. So for the same price I paid in SL (900 SGD), I could have gotten a brand new S520EX with 5 way switch.

Anyways, not a big complaint there as I love my guitar.

Not maybe. IT IS. The free shipping only applies to the US. It pays to do your research before making any purchase. Clearly, you did not. Now you are paying the price and you're complaining about your own lack of action.
And seriously, they are not taking a gun to your head and forcing you to buy from them. If you can find it cheaper elsewhere, go for it.

Thats the whole point of this thread. Me ( and obviously few others here) would like to buy it from other places including online shops. So we are asking the more experienced softies the risks involved, as the difference in price between shops seem unbelievable.

And this thread is turning anti-SL like everyother thread that has the name SweeLee inside. This isn't a SL vs the rest argument. So lets drop that and instead focus on whether there is any logical explanation for the huge difference in prices between shops.

On a personal note, even though there are complaints flying around abt SL including mine, I do agree that it is great to have a local shop carrying major brands tat we can all run into than waiting for weeks for our product to arrive.
It pays to do your research before making any purchase. Clearly, you did not. Now you are paying the price and you're complaining about your own lack of action.

You are absolutely right. I did not do my research properly. I never thought I will be overpaying as it was my first time to SL year end sale. So I agree with you on my lack of action and I regret it.

But that does not justify the ridiculous pricing and the mock 'discount' promises from SL. Lets say, you assume Singapore is crime free and leave your wallet unattended. If a thief takes it, its your fault that you left it unattended ( you were careless, you didnt do your research properly on the number of crimes in Singapore, you are an idiot..etc). But the fact remains that the guy who took the wallet is still a THIEF. Your ignorance does not justify his action. So please get the point of the post correct before commenting on it.

Once again, lets drop bashing SL as it is not the point of the thread.
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