Which pickup should I get?


New member
Hi all. I am intending to change my pickups for my ibanez guitar. it's a HSS, and i wanna change the humbucker for now, which is at the bridge position.

I asked around and here are the choices people gave me:
- Seymour Duncan JB
- Seymour Duncan Jazz
- Dimarzio PAF Pro
- Dimarzio Tone Zone
- Dimarzio Evolution

I don't really focus on a certain genre of music, so i need an all-rounder pickup. Do give me your advice. Thanks!
i am using a Peavey Envoy 110. It's a trans-tube amp, supposedly a solid state amp which will emulate the warmth of a tube amp.

oh and also, if i get a pickup, should i get a regular humbucker or a F-spaced/trembucker one? How do i tell which one fits? I am using an Ibanez SA260FM with a SAT II Pro Bridge.
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i think the JB and tone zone are pretty much the fav all rounders if u dun play really heavy stuff

I beg to differ for the JB. They're quite capable of playing heavy sounding riffs while still staying articulate if you increase your gain.
I use JB for my heavy riff.. JB is good for rhythm..Yup.. haha XDD.. JB sound pretty well in clean with my neck pickup.. the crunch tone.. and JB can spilt coil too..
looks like the JB is more popular in terms of an all-rounder pickup. the JB demo on YouTube in the "Seymour Duncan vs Dimarzio Comparison" Video sounds good but the X2N seems to beat it since the songs played are all of metal genre. buti figured the X2N has too high output for playing softer stuffs like jazz and blues. however, I have not found any good video demo on the tone zone pickup.

seems like it's a fight between SD JB and Dimarzio ToneZone.
looks like the JB is more popular in terms of an all-rounder pickup. the JB demo on YouTube in the "Seymour Duncan vs Dimarzio Comparison" Video sounds good but the X2N seems to beat it since the songs played are all of metal genre. buti figured the X2N has too high output for playing softer stuffs like jazz and blues. however, I have not found any good video demo on the tone zone pickup.

seems like it's a fight between SD JB and Dimarzio ToneZone.

let whitestrat see that and he'll tell u he can play blues on the X2N :P

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