Which pedals to start with?


New member
Which pedals to start with? Im new to this pedal thing and so tell the truth the wide range of pedals offered today is quite scary as a person new to pedals does not really know where to start....

For myself i have searched all over the forums and hear ppl talking abt this pedal and that pedal... but one after another i look i just end up back at square one... too many choices.

I just wanna know what kind of pedals will get my a nice tone that suits the music that i play.... im looking for a distortion and an overdrive pedal to start with....

So where do i go? which pedal should i go and hear first?

i have a fender 60th anniversary strat and im using a roland cube 20x amp. erm tone-wise... i like the likes of Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, Jet, Oasis and a little John Mayer.... ok so maybe not too much John Mayer for the od/distortion.... ok cool i have the same initials as john mayer. JM 8O

erm price wise coz its my first pedal so i would have to go below $200. but if a pedal is really worth the extra $$ i dunmind saving up more to get it and have no regrets.

thank you all for your time! and pls forgive me if you have answered this type of qns so many times.
For overdrive, you can start with Boss SD1. Dist, DS1. These are kinda "basics" for a start.

If you're entirely new to pedals, then I suggest the usual multi-effects route. It helps you understand each effect better and you get a sort of 'trial hands on' experience with them. Also, as much as the tones of a beginner's multieffect may not be of standard to you, it's a good way to start moulding what you want.

However, if you already know what kind of a tone you want, just go try out the different ones suggested here, maybe a review site or two like http://ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/guitar_effects/ , or give them a sample listen over at http://musiciansfriend.com .

Yea. Hope this helped -_-
hey jingming!!!!

yes, lol boss ds1... i want it cause its the pedal that can be modded easily, good for the near future and long term investment.

as for overdrives, err i think ibanez TS7 or TS9 is a good buy also.

or u can check out the guyatone OD3 issit? in review section...


nice amp.
looks like you're going for the non-classic marshally crunch, since jet seems to use silver jubs and noel gallagher uses jcm800/900s. not many pedals can give you that sound. i dont think you can really get that tone in a box. anyway you'd want a big sounding dist with nice upper midrange and tight bass. a fulltone ocd would get you close, doubt a ds-1 or ds-2 type pedal will get you there.

btw john mayer's clean and dirt tone (on some live recs i've seen) are awesome. probably that dumble he uses with the fenders. almost srv-ish.
JM uses his custom sig two rock amps. He has a keeley modded TS808(400 plus SGD) Keeley BD2, fulltone fulldrive.
ok so boss ds1 is not so much what i need....

hmm ill take a look at the fulltone pedals... hope ill find what i want there :D
Yup I second MI AUDIO crunchbox.If its too high gain for your liking, then try the MI AUDIO Blues Pro(overdrive)

They are below SGD 200 each I believe.
DS-1 fans, check out MXR's Distortion III...

crunchbox is a gd 1.
worth ur money. i'm still thinking more of modded pedals
if you know what you want.
they can be quite personal to your taste.