which P-style pickups to get for funk?


New member
Hey brahs. So im currently using a cheap-ass p-bass i got from soft awhile back for $70, Sante Fe. Decided to do some work on it and i'm considering changing its pickups. My style of playing is along the lines of Funk Blues Rock/Classic Rock. Heard from store owners at TYMC and other musician friends that Barts p-pickups should be the way to go, though i've also been looking at quarter pounders and DiMarzio Ps as well. What do you guys think?

Note: No comments about "why don't you buy a j-bass or a new bass instead..." blah blah blah.
haha yeah but like might as well do something with my p-bass. Just wanna try modding it since i dont really got much to lose since its a low-end bass.

thanks for the link man will check it out!
to me its a waste of money modding a low end bass, most good pickup out there cost more than your bass, you havent add the service price some more lol. i rather you buy a preamp or eq pedal to further sculpture your sound, i recommend aguilar-tone hammer, sansamp bddi, and dont forget to learn to eq though
haha no offense intended but really, i bet the bartolini + service will cost double the price of the bass, i just dont find it worth it haha. Preamp is the way to go, you can at least use a bddi for your guitar haha
Well the cheapest and good preamp that i know of will be the hartke vxl, citymusic. You might want to check at our classified here too to find some preamp.