um, i usually go to Davis. and if i have the energy and stamina, i'll walk to swee lee. while i'm there, i'll go to ranking as well. this is provided i'm looking for something. if i wanna window shopping, peninsula's plenty for me
Davis because it's nearer and I only drop by to get strings or waste money :x ... and I'm too lazy to walk to swee lee. Even though I pass by Bras Basah everytime I go to school, no time to go window shopping. After school also.. too tired to go.
seems everytime I scope all the shops for stuff I need - boh liao .... internet sure fire (if more expensive) wayto get exact parts I want.
Dan Music at 4th floor Peninsula for best deals (and I do mean cheapest) for 2nd parts & guitars ... catch him on a good day, be humble when you bargain and can literally get deals for a steal.
Go to maestro to support spore guitar models!hahah penins the place btw theres an occult shop on the top floor like woa ..cho witches nows tts kinky! HAHAHHH