Which distortion pedal to get ?


New member
well its my turn to post heehee,
im considering Boss Pedals so let it rip..

Boss Ds-1 Distortion
Boss Ds-2 Turbo Distortion
Boss Md-2 Mega Distortion or the
Boss MT-2 Metal zone?

oh yea let me know the difference if you guys have tried them out.
thanks and cheers :)
hmm,i would like old sch rock like AC/DC
and maybe some punkrock blink182 kind.

i sincerely apologise for my shamless advertising but i would say this pedal i'm selling really really fits the bill

General Guitar Gadgets Brown Sound in a Box

it rivals many other boutique pedals out there. and i can assure u, its better than the crunchbox or other marshall sounding pedals out there.

angus young himself used a marshall plexi. so this pedal can nail the tone easily.
i sincerely apologise for my shamless advertising but i would say this pedal i'm selling really really fits the bill

General Guitar Gadgets Brown Sound in a Box

it rivals many other boutique pedals out there. and i can assure u, its better than the crunchbox or other marshall sounding pedals out there.

angus young himself used a marshall plexi. so this pedal can nail the tone easily.

haah no worries nice pedal btw.
the Ds-2 Turbo Distortion seems to fit my liking.
You could also consider the Modtone Speedbox. It has quite a positive response. $75 at Standard Value (www.standardvalue.com.sg). I find that the Boss pedals I've heard so far have a rather thin sound, but that's just my experience...

yeah i know,Mike told me that the modtone pedal is not bad.when i get to standard value i will test the ds-1 and speedbox.
the 'distortion' label should be ignored & the pedal auditioned to hear what the manufacturer has to offer in terms of the overall intensity & voicing. the Son of Hyde i own is a dynamic distortion unit as it is able to recreate the subtle BOSS DS-1 type distortion as well as rival the average metal-type push.

Hello guys. Sorry for hijacking but i was wondering if the modded DS-1s will be a good choice for a distortion pedal. :)
hmmm i would recommend a Fulltone fulldrive 2 mosfet. works damm well for leads and rhythm tones.


les paul:


its one hell of a pedal. tried it out at blackwood the other day. nice and crunchy when turned down... and pretty heavy when you turn the drive up. Take a listen to the demo thru the link on youtube. plus if u ever wanna let it go... it has a pretty nice resale value too. go check it out urself
yeah im gonna get MD-2 since swee lee is having a 40% off man! gonna get it today.:mrgreen: