which bass amp would you get?


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which bass amp would you get?

please advise,.


thats the only bass amps i saw here in singapore,.
budget $250-350

is this meant for practice only?
peavy microbasses (15W) go for about SGD150 if memory serves me well. Hartkes are affordable workhorses, so i'd go in that direction if you wanna spend more. of the four choices, i'd pick the Hartke
i have an ibanez soundwave 35W ... honestly ... cheap circuitry ... can hear the hissing even with the gain and volume down. But works very well for a practice amp, even a live stage amp. Tonewise i think it's transparent ... makes my Yamaha sound like a yamaha.

If budget wasn't an issue ... i'll go for an Ampeg ... among the choices you hav e... Laney would be good ... british design ... or Hartke .. Jaco's stuff .. =)
erm sorry to jac the thread but...bass amp wattage shld b double the wattage on ur guitar amp?i m usin a laney HCM30R btw
Thanks you guys,...i was really eyeing for the hartke,.it think its 35w in peace centre,.. but i also saw the laney,. much cheaper compared to the hartke,. i haven't tried it yet though,......
so,..hartke a good buy? how much is the range for an ampeg/swr? i heard their pretty good,...
kahuna said:
erm sorry to jac the thread but...bass amp wattage shld b double the wattage on ur guitar amp?i m usin a laney HCM30R btw

If you want your main sound on a live setting to be heard down on the floor then it should be FOUR times the wattage of your guitar amp. Unless you want it for a personal monitor then it doesn't really matter about the wattage, just find it enough to hear yourself and it'll be good and leave the rest to the sound man.
i hav like a small "studio" in my hse hav a drumset and guitar amp lookin for bass amp...so do i need to buy double or also 30w?
like exin said, if its just for monitoring purposes, it doesn't matter how small it is. if you have a small recording studio, it might be more practical or convenient to record the bass via DI?

i've played a gig at POW with my crappy 15W practice amp, turning it up at max vol just so i could hear what i was playing, but i was really going thru a Sansamp BDI into the front house speakers..

most venues provide a DI for you to go thru and usually mix the sound as a hybrid between amps and direct signal. in Australia, i gigged with a 2x10 250W amp which was sort of enough.. i think my guitarist used a 100W combo marshall..
kahuna said:
i hav like a small "studio" in my hse hav a drumset and guitar amp lookin for bass amp...so do i need to buy double or also 30w?

it really depends on what you application is ... if it's just to use for jamming purposes then a you can buy an amp loud enough for your bassist to be heard over the drums and guitar amp ...

sound reinforcement is important... if you've got your room set up properly everything will sound clear ..

due to the acoustic tendencies of squarish rooms ... certain frequencies especially bass frequencies tend to be amplified .. and that's not just the BASS GUITAR alone but also the drums .. may be the kick drum vibrating at that frequency ... overtones from the vibration of your guitarist and if .. a keyboardist .. all of them will either add up to a over-powering resonance or if there's phase cancellation ... a sound that will sound super flat and empty ..

at the end of the day .. recommended amp would just be a normal 30W .. i jammed with it before .. but at full volume just to hear myself nicely .. not too good if you are playing rock and heavy metal stuff .. i was playing acoustic stuff and imagine that .. so you can get a higher wattage amp if you want to .. 60watts very safe ...
if you wanna go round 60 watts... go try out the laney r1... i love mine. 65 watter... 22kilos...

350 raw... 175 at swee lee 50%
Hi all,

Thanks for all the replies, it is very helpful,.
Yesterday I went to davis and tried the crate ($300++) 50W amp..looks cool,. sounds pretty okay for a 4 string bass as the sales guy let me tried it with one of their esp bass. a lot of knobs to tweak and the amp comes with a tuner! wow! then the guy showed me a "backliner" gallien kruger,.. 120W amp with a 10" cone (i think) and it sounded so cooooool!!!! compact and pwerful,. but no headphone out for silent practice.. but the cool sound also comes with a price tag of $600++ :(
then I went to luther,. they are offering 0% interest on some diners credit card,... tried it on a 6 stringer there and it sounded so solid!
however, I tried to control myself not to buy on impulse as I was told that swr and ampeg also sounds great, and i should also try it,.. now i have decided to spend a little more to get something like that with a nice tone but can't decide yet,.. I again need you guy's help,..any experience on the bass amps like ampeg/swr/gk/laney? (can laney step up to this?) :)
some of my needs actually is a headphone out for late night pratice,.

:) thanks!
actually .. if it's just for home practice .. any kind of bass amp will do fine ... unless you want to GAS over your tone more than your playing ...

unless or otherwise you are looking for a amp for LIVE situations then it'll be best to be particular about your tone ...

other than that .. a normal bass amp that amplifies sound will do just fine lah ... =P

unless you're a sub-contra bassist with a low F# that needs to be amplified .. hahahahah ..