Where to find analogue synthersizer technician to recap old synth (Singapore)


New member
Hi folks,

I am here in SG with some vintage Korg analogue synths.

I am looking for a reliable and good synth technician who can restore my vintage Maxikorg 800 here in SG.

It has drifting pitch in the upper deck and I believe it needs a re-cap to get it in tune again. I have already attempted to adjust the tuning-pots, its still out of tune and only gets in tune after 1 hr or so...so it looks like a capacitor problem

Thanks in advance.
i have the same problem with my Roland SH-101, can't stay in tune.

Whatever you do...don't attempt to tune the tuning pots as what some may advocate in synth.

Mine worked for a week and died later. Many of the self professed synth tech on the vintage synth forum are blind leading blind. You see they can screw up with experimenting in states cos they got plently of shops to go to. We here simply go fly kite even when u approach music shops
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