where to buy floyd rose ?


New member
ok , i posted a recent thread asking for what kind of floyd roses are good and if my fixed bridge can be turned into a floating bridge . now i wanna know , where do you get floyd rose , schaller floyd rose or gotoh floyd rose ?

leave you interesting and creative responses in the comments below . thanks to those who comment .
hmmm, i'm not sure abt scholler or gotoh ones, but Ranking sells some licensed floyd rose bridges for abt $62 each if i didn't remember wrongly. davis sells Kahler ones, but they are totally different from the floyd rose design.

IMO, if you wanna have a guitar with floyd rose bridge, but one that already has one installed. unless the guitar you have is a high end model, and you are sure you wont regret it, get a new guitar with a floyd rose bridge installed. because if your guitar is a low end one, the cost of drilling the holes in the body and installing the floyd rose bridge might be even higher than the price of your guitar. if your guitar is high-end, and if you think you wont regret it, then go for it. but think through carefully, because once its there, you can't reverse it, even if you fill up the huge hole, it wont be the same as before. plus all the refinishing job to cover the scars of modification, it'll cost you a bomb. just my opinion though. just make sure you know what you're doing.
i hope i helped! if i see any floyd rose bridges around i'll let you know. cheers!

P.s. i have an electric guitar now which has a built-in floyd rose bridge, and i'm a person who regularly changes tunings. changing tuning or just simply tuning up a guitar with a floyd rose bridge is a @#$%^&*! its very time consuming. you might wanna ask a friend to lend you one, and you try using it for a week or so before you really decide.
you can get the gotoh floyd rose from davis, tymc or zen guitarworks. prices vary between the outlets. Schaller I'm not sure but they are usually more expensive then the gotoh although they are both considered original floyd roses. The original floyd rose is something like the official floyd rose (their models don't have the 'licensed under floyd rose patents on them')

EDIT: some of the floyd rose patents have expired, so not every newer models will carry that license unde.... thing. Since the patents have expired they won't need authorization to produce them.
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ok , i posted a recent thread asking for what kind of floyd roses are good and if my fixed bridge can be turned into a floating bridge . now i wanna know , where do you get floyd rose , schaller floyd rose or gotoh floyd rose ?

leave you interesting and creative responses in the comments below . thanks to those who comment .

links to shop are much appreciated . is Ranking a shop ?
Ranking is a physical shop. The shops online website won't do you any good as they do not list everything they sell, and some don't provide prices. Best go to the shop and find out.

What else do you want us to spoon feed you..?:)
hmmm, i'm not sure abt scholler or gotoh ones, but Ranking sells some licensed floyd rose bridges for abt $62 each if i didn't remember wrongly. davis sells Kahler ones, but they are totally different from the floyd rose design.

IMO, if you wanna have a guitar with floyd rose bridge, but one that already has one installed. unless the guitar you have is a high end model, and you are sure you wont regret it, get a new guitar with a floyd rose bridge installed. because if your guitar is a low end one, the cost of drilling the holes in the body and installing the floyd rose bridge might be even higher than the price of your guitar. if your guitar is high-end, and if you think you wont regret it, then go for it. but think through carefully, because once its there, you can't reverse it, even if you fill up the huge hole, it wont be the same as before. plus all the refinishing job to cover the scars of modification, it'll cost you a bomb. just my opinion though. just make sure you know what you're doing.
i hope i helped! if i see any floyd rose bridges around i'll let you know. cheers!

P.s. i have an electric guitar now which has a built-in floyd rose bridge, and i'm a person who regularly changes tunings. changing tuning or just simply tuning up a guitar with a floyd rose bridge is a @#$%^&*! its very time consuming. you might wanna ask a friend to lend you one, and you try using it for a week or so before you really decide.

is ranking a shop ? links please . thanks man
Ranking is a physical shop. The shops online website won't do you any good as they do not list everything they sell, and some don't provide prices. Best go to the shop and find out.

What else do you want us to spoon feed you..?:)

c'mon bro . its not like that . i dont know that much about guitars and gears and shops . ok where is ranking ? is it true the gotoh sells $60++ at ranking ? are those floating locking bridges ? haha and other related info about price location quality . thanks very much
c'mon bro . its not like that . i dont know that much about guitars and gears and shops . ok where is ranking ? is it true the gotoh sells $60++ at ranking ? are those floating locking bridges ? haha and other related info about price location quality . thanks very much

Ok... Ranking is at Bras Basah Centre (not sure of the exact name although i know where it is, its the same place swee lee is). Read the post again, the guy is NOT saying that Ranking sells the GOTOH OFR for 60 bucks, it sells a licensed floyd rose, which is different. You should stay away from those as you really don't know how good it is.

They are copies made by third parties with the permission of floyd rose. they just get permission to use the design but QC, material quality is all up to them so its a mixed bag really (keep in mind that licensed floyds are typically on budget guitars).

Regarding its ok to ask because I'm not well-versed in guitars.... blah blah. Everything in my post is stuff that I read from searching threads in soft followed by personal observation at shops (which I don't go to very often). Most of the stuff you asked for is already in the forum, just have to know how use the search bar or google. :p

If you want info on prices, availability etc, call or email the shops, that would give you the most accurate info.
Ok... Ranking is at Bras Basah Centre (not sure of the exact name although i know where it is, its the same place swee lee is). Read the post again, the guy is NOT saying that Ranking sells the GOTOH OFR for 60 bucks, it sells a licensed floyd rose, which is different. You should stay away from those as you really don't know how good it is.

They are copies made by third parties with the permission of floyd rose. they just get permission to use the design but QC, material quality is all up to them so its a mixed bag really (keep in mind that licensed floyds are typically on budget guitars).

Regarding its ok to ask because I'm not well-versed in guitars.... blah blah. Everything in my post is stuff that I read from searching threads in soft followed by personal observation at shops (which I don't go to very often). Most of the stuff you asked for is already in the forum, just have to know how use the search bar or google. :p

If you want info on prices, availability etc, call or email the shops, that would give you the most accurate info.

but i have an ibanez , a gio . its a budget guitar . licensed floyd rose are good i thought ?
but i have an ibanez , a gio . its a budget guitar . licensed floyd rose are good i thought ?
Hi there! I've been reading this post and seeing you have some quries!

You asked if Licensed Floyd are good, yes. If you do not do super high bends and all that dive-bombing as they cannot hold the tuning as good as OFR. But overall, it sucks.

Okay, lets start right. There are three types of floating bridges.

Brands that use these are,
Ibanez: Edge
ESP MII: Original Floyd Rose
ESP Jeff Hanneman Signature: Kahler Hybrid Bridge

Okay, first up. Edge.
This is made by Ibanez itself and you can only find this bridge in Ibanez Guitars. Mainly those RG (lower ends). For Gio, they don't use the Edge 3/Zero/Lo-pro/etc. This measurements are totally off from the Original Floyd Rose. For Gio, they usually use the Licensed Floyd Rose. Take for example the GRG270. This is a low end budget guitar replicating some RG models which are more costly.

Next, OFR.
This are made by Floyd Rose themselves... If I'm not wrong, Gotoh and Schallar are only Licensed. The higher quality one, is Schallar. This two are the most popular brand that manufacture Licensed Floyd Rose. Original Floyd Rose is made by Floyd Rose. This is also another type of floating bridge other than Edge and Kahler. To compare the Licensed floyd and OFR, OFR have a embedded word FLOYD ROSE or FLOYD ROSE ORIGINAL on the left side of the bridge. Below the bridge, it should read 'Made in Germany'. About pricing, Licensed are way cheaper than Original. Reason? Well, workmanship, material, QC. All this put into consideration.

Lastly, Kahler.
This bridge, from far, looks like a fixed bridge, but its, too, a floating one. There many models in this brand like the 2 stated above. Such as, the Hybrid. I would not wish to go into detail on what it can do. I'm not too sure about pricing on this.

Routing the cavity for Floating bridge is very expensive, and I would recommend you to get a guitar that already have the floating bridge rather than to cut a huge hole in it. Why? It wouldn't produce the best results compared to a guitar that is already mounted with a OFR.

For all Floating bridge guitars, changing strings, drop-tuning, intonation, set-up are a huge hassel to deal with comparing to various fixed bridge guitars...

Licensed Floyd Rose is around $100 or less
Original Floyd Rose, $250-$300(First hand)
Kahler, also $250-$300.

Where to get them? I went down to Davis today. They sell the Licensed Floyd Rose(USED) and a Kahler(USED). There is this guy selling OFR, his name is Eriksson, selling at a very low price, consider him as well. Other than that, mainly eBay, or online.

Here are some links which I think would benefit you ALOT!!!
Licensed VS Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwGcY6T4xHc
Kahler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpU8F9fMcxM

Original Floyd Rose: http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=Original%20Floyd%20Rose&imgurl=http://audiozone.dk/images/tremsetter/ts-03-large.jpg&imgrefurl=http://audiozone.dk/index-filer/Tremsetter.htm&usg=__VrKgZ5wZGaOdIL7EYzEwKxQPtXE=&h=711&w=600&sz=125&hl=en&itbs=1&tbnid=EiTQ5lCb2P1LpM:&tbnh=140&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3DOriginal%2BFloyd%2BRose%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&safe=off&sa=G&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&start=0#tbnid=o2XrksvjxOlG_M&start=0
Kahler: http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=Kahler&imgurl=http://www.guitarsatbmusic.com.au/esp/guitars/sigseries/hanneman/hires/hannemancs_blk_kahler.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.guitarsatbmusic.com.au/esp/guitars/sigseries/hanneman.htm&usg=__wGwHMGkjO073pyTbBpN4OpKZx28=&h=2120&w=800&sz=142&hl=en&itbs=1&tbnid=67qXYTR0XzUWmM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=57&prev=/images%3Fq%3DKahler%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&safe=off&sa=G&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&start=5#tbnid=67qXYTR0XzUWmM&start=9
but i have an ibanez , a gio . its a budget guitar . licensed floyd rose are good i thought ?

well, since its a budget guitar, i'll advise you to just get a new guitar. cavity routing, parts and stuff will cost more than the actual price of your current guitar.
To sum it up, DON'T get one. Just buy a new guitar with a FR cause everything in itself would cost more than a new guitar with a reasonable FR designed bridge :/