Hello softies 
Once again I find my posting for this lucrative pedal after searching at peninsular and all. Ebenex was wonderful to responding to my queries but for a student 700 plus is rather steep.
Besides with the gt-10b out i believe the price would have dropped significantly. Almost got one last time through a dealer but he vanished mysteriously leaving his girlfriend to answer my queries
Hope to hear some good leads as to where i can find this gem

Once again I find my posting for this lucrative pedal after searching at peninsular and all. Ebenex was wonderful to responding to my queries but for a student 700 plus is rather steep.
Besides with the gt-10b out i believe the price would have dropped significantly. Almost got one last time through a dealer but he vanished mysteriously leaving his girlfriend to answer my queries

Hope to hear some good leads as to where i can find this gem