Where to apply licence to play cover song in public?


New member
hi guys,

I would like ask where to apply licence to play cover song in public? and how much does it cost? Thanks
I think pub owners also need 2 to pay for the license.Alot of $$$

No wonder some encourage original songs preformance.
well.. actually the licence to perform outdoors isn't restricted to just cover songs.. basically any form of music performed by a live band outdoors has to be charged.. i've held an event before for about 3 hrs and it cost us around 630 for the licence (600 + 30 for GST).. and thats' only for live band music.. if you're playing cd music then it will be double the price.. 8O
to go slightly ot; if my band wants to record a cover of a song, how much would the charges be? i assume they would be payable to compass as well?
that im not too sure.. the rates i was quoted apply to outdoor performances.. recordings could be a diff. story.. and i'm sure a lot of pple don't tell compass if u get what i mean :twisted:
Haha, I'm sure very little people do. I know most bands don't :p Btw, do you guys know any bands doing covers that do?

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