Where have all the musicians gone???????

Hi everybody,

I'll just get to the point,
I'm looking for members to form a serious band.
Everybody is welcome to try even if you are still an amateur
i'm looking for,
- a bassist
-a drummer
- a guitarist
- a vocalist

I'm a guitarist and my influences are mainly punkrock, pop punk, blues, indie, experimental

it doesn't really matter what your influences are cause mainly i like to take songs and cover them in our own rendition

I also write originals and hope that we can put our ideas together and come up with our own originals.

So as for the band's musical direction, I'm trying out something new.
Something unorthodox, something fresh.

so don't be afraid to call or text me (Zee) @ 98294023
I do not check my soft account on a regular basis so please do not pm me.

Sorry about the lengthy post so I've hi-lighted key phrases in bold.
I do hope to hear from you guys soon.
something unorthodox??? lol. what happened to psychedelic?? hahas. if you need a bassist im still available tho. i believe you still have my number so anything hit me up.
Hi Zee,

I play rhythm/lead guitar, my ref youutbe page is below,

my contact is 81233 453, give me a buzz anytime :)