where do i buy roller string trees?


New member
i've done some searches on here and google but all i get is people talking about the pros and cons of roller string trees, roller nuts etc...

i've searched the StandardValue website and they don't seem to have them. TYMusic's website is still under construction so i can't actually search there.

Anyone know where i can buy these roller trees in Singapore?
i got mine from Davis GMC (for my Smash guitar):
thanks for the help. went to Davis Guitar today, the sales people either did not know what a roller string tree was, or knew what it was but had forgotten where they'd put it. After 10 minutes of searching, they produced a roller nut. i thanked them politely for the effort.

I went on to the shop beside Maestro guitars and bought a set of "All Parts UK" roller string trees. The pack contained one pair of the aforementioned roller string trees and cost me $16. (just in case other softies who are Googling this topic would like to know)