Where can i get someone to defret my bass?

$50 to defret only / $80 to defret and fill in, sand fretboard, PM for ctc - no assemble, just bring the neck down to me
tim_1002 said:
guitar connection does it for $200. says so on the reciept.

yeah .. i asked them before .. but i don't mind trying it out myself to learn .. hur hur ..
I actually defretted a bass myself, pretty simple, mainly you need a lot of strength control to minimise damage to the fretbroad. Mine was an experimental neck, hence I jsut filled it with wood putty and there I got a lined fretless neck.
angry said:
I actually defretted a bass myself, pretty simple, mainly you need a lot of strength control to minimise damage to the fretbroad. Mine was an experimental neck, hence I jsut filled it with wood putty and there I got a lined fretless neck.

how did it feel and sound to you?
i thought after defretting you still have to spray with epoxy[or other thing,not really sure] so that the fret wont be damaged by string friction?