Where Can i get a DPDT switch ?


New member
Hi all i'm looking for a part for the GCB95 Crybaby. Looking for a DPDT switch to change it to a bypass... Can Any 1 can help? Like tell mi where can i buy it? Went to sim lim tower but to no luck...

Wow~ okie... but i need this to do the bypass... don't know where all the mobbers get it in singapore...hiaz...
hey dude, could ya teach me how to do a true bypass for the crybaby? cos ive been wanting to do one. as for the dpdt, im not too sure, but the shops at peninsular might have em i think, all those which do guitar n pedal repairs. not too sure which shops exactly tho.
I went to all the shops in PP and not even 1 have them... Tat's why i'm like lost. I can teach you but without this item you realli can't do much.
dric said:
oh yea..and if ya happen to know how to ad an LED indicator wld be gd too.:D

Tat is easy.. not veri hard... I just mob my gcb95. Up the Sweep and gave more vocal quality to the wah.

The led there are a few ways to do it... but will need drilling..
A 3pdt would work also actually. Then you can add an LED.
US$8.50 + shipping charges in the end you might as well get a 3pdt. The Carling dpdts are now made in mexico and are known to be not as not as heavy duty as before.

Dric, I can pass you the schemetics and explain how to do the true bypass and add the LED when I meet you once you're back in Singapore :D Can you solder?