Where Can I Get a Case For a Jackson Kelly Guitar?


New member
Im hoping to buy a Jackson Kelly guitar off someone this weekend, except it doesnt come with a case. Does anyone know where i can get a jackson case for it, or any case that would fit it? Would anyone happen to be selling one? Thanks
what kind of case, soft or hard case? I think any soft/hard case should be able to fit since it isn't really one of those outlandish type of designs like V/warrior/rhoads. You can get hard cases from davis or sweelee.
Im hoping for a soft case, i called Swee Lee just now and they say they got a soft case that will fit it. So you think any regular soft cases would be able to fit it properly? Because i got one at home, so if it would fit then no need to buy new one
EH! sorry, I almost gave you the wrong info. I forgot the kelly design was an explorer-type. I suggest you get the new soft case then.
btw, just curious, is it a kahler or floyd?
:P Yeah the shape is similar to Explorer, so I got a bit confused when you said it would fit normal case. I believe it has a Licensed Floyd, but im going to be blocking the trem as i'm going to use this guitar for playing in low tunings and changing tunings