what's the change of semi hollow guitar?


New member
dear all,

next purchase might be a Epi es335 or the popluar "dot" guitar.
my first entry into seim-hollow guitar, just to get the taste.

can you guys share your experience with such guitar?
playability? nut width? sounds?

the pro and the con?

thanks to all again for your help & your advices in my past posting.
according to me

1) Its like any other geetar., electrically speaking

2) It sound different from the rest, with its construction. But it still sounds like electric guitar, at clean. Difference in the thin, fat, mids area, but its still electric geetar sound in general

3) The body is big, but so am i(fat), so i think its comfortable to play it

4) from shredding to minimal to prepared guitar playing, its possible, just like any other guitar. Only need to get use to it

5) wiring it is like fishing. Again, its a matter of getting used to it. Nothing too difficult
Pathein, how's the feedback side of things?

I played with an Ibanez Artcore jazz box and while one can still shred on it... on higher volumes/gain it feedbacks easily.
heh, yup the feedback is one of the colours of it.

At high volume, even with clean tone, it can feedback, as long as you are near to the amp or in the right spot where stars and moon collide

But then, getting rid of it prolly aint too hard if we allow the changes to be done or finding ways to get rid of it. I mean, if its really no way to curb the feedback issues, we wont be seeing our favourite geetarers using it on tour, in live shows etc.
taking out is easy. Putting back in is the troublesome part(but still not difficult, just troublesome). For me i tie strings/jumper wire to it, feed the pots thru the f hole, slowly feel it, poke it, when in the correct spot, pull strings.Everything will be in place, like how it will be ..ooooh yeahhhh...

usually fitting in the pots be thru the widest area of the f hole, slant the pots and fit it in. It shud be able to accomodate normal size pot and push pull pot as well.
*Model Answer*

Try one for yourself and you'll know the difference in no time.

But honestly speaking, it is a nice experience playing and facing the challenge of getting used to one, if you have been more acquired with solid body ones.
ah...owned this at the past, the cherry red MIK one. One of the lower priced guitar that I really like. Somehow, I dun have problems with the feedback issue. Well, I dun play metal with this tho. Nice balance. good feel. I really like the looks. Instill the es-335 look quite well.

Just go to beez and swap the pups. Then u'll get a good jamming/gigging guitar...The stock pups sound quite weak in my opinion
Actually, i saw Brian Sezter using a hollow body.
and being experimenting with a solid, somehow. it's doesnt have that "hollooooowwwwww" sound whenever the tremolo bar wanks.

( i am using a Stratocaster MIA now).

thus like to give the above a try... fit it with TV jones.
wow what do i get?
well i'm interested in getting one too.=p

From what i been hearing from MOST, if not ALL, is that semi hollows are EXTREMELY versatile. you can play blues, jazz, funk, rock on it. I'm getting it cause it sounds awesome with overdrives/crunch haha
I recently got my hollowbody...a Pot prs hollowbody copy...and I love it! To me or at least on my particular guitar it has this warm tone that I really like...it really shines on the mild overdrive type of sounds...full on distortion sounds great too...the tone of my hollowbody is pretty dark, but the pickups may be the reason..
Having acquired a LP-sized semi-hollow Gibson CS-336, I must say that one of the sweetest things about semi-hollows is the feedback! True that it feedbacks rather easily compared to my other solid-body guitars, but most of the feedback is sonically pleasant and musical. Couple that with some bigsby-wanking, it's one of the more orgasmic sound coming out of an electric guitar I've heard! (okay...personal opinion lah) :mrgreen:
Once you find a nice 335 you like, never sell it! I've sold 2 now, can't get used to the 60s slim taper neck, but am gassing for one again!

OT, but any thoughts on Heritage guitars? Apparently they're open to customising, but not that cheap.
You might like to try the fattest flat wound strings you can find. I think they do very nicely on hollow guitars and help a cheaper one shine in tone and playability. I'll throw in some adjectives for you....warm, rounded, smooth and silky....maybe a little irascible and definitely swanky.