what to do if your bass is warped


New member
hi im a beginner in playing bass.
would like some help on this
is there anyway to repair your bass if the fretboard it not straight?
I go out and buy a new one,.... :D
just joking,...u might wannna return it back to the shop where u got it from,. they usually give warranty,..
or you can bring it to any of the shops at peninsula at ct hall,.. ibeleive they fix things like dat in there,..
zomg you will sound cool like Flea in Warped!
haha just kidding...
you'll probably get some fret-buzz and sound a bit dull...
your intonation/tuning might be off, meaning if you tune your string to G, your 12th fret might register as a G# or something.
if you got your bass from swee lee. Don't bother going back. They just raise the action. Which isn't very useful imo. try going elsewhere.
Warped necks affect playing comfort, that may result in 'higher action' even though the action at the bridge has been lowered.

generally tightening the truss, brings the neck 'down' loosening the neck brings the neck 'up' but this may vary from guitar to guitar and also where the truss access is located.

Usually some curvature is needed (this is called 'relief') to compensate for the height of the strings at the bridge and reduce fret buzz

If your bass is a cheap guitar, you might want to do it yourself, so you can learn how to adjust a truss, and you can perform your own guitar maintainence in future, as necks might sometimes warp from time to time due to weather conditions, etc.

The trick is getting the correct alan key that fits the truss.

Good Luck!
i got my guitar from sweelee.its been about a year alr.its a warick rockbass corvette basic.so how do you actually prevent your bass from warping?
nt very sure, but i heard in sg its very humid, so no matter where u put it , it will still warp, but u can store ur bass in a dry cool place which gt no sunlight. tht will prevent the bass frm warping 'tht' much.
am i right guys?
i have no idea... not very sure with the market values... blindly went into gc and got it fixed... but the buzz is back again... i'll have to learn how to fix it myself this time... :? 35 bucks... sounds good to you?
i went to guitar 77 also tht time to adjust my bridge, same pricing as urs, 35 bucks, i don't find it affordable to pay for just an adjustment, nw i plan to DIY also, but i cant say tht i am good at it :(