What pickups would you recommand for a squier pbass?


New member
hi guy,

i wanted to sell my squier affinity pbass a couple of months back but i finally didn't coz it was crying out to me "KEEP ME PLEASE!" haha.. :D probably some of you have noticed. i fell for it, and very happy keeping it now.

wanna upgrade the pickups now. what would you recommand? i'm thinking of the seymor duncan quarter pound. any comments? looking into fat boomy tone.
how much are the nostrands compared to the spb-3? the spb-3 sold in my place for about rm300 - 400

ps:hey rey, sorry forgot to reply you on the ashtray thingy. agreed with your price and i'll pick it up when i go to singapore. will keep in touch with you.
get the nordys .. seriously ...

if you want a more vintage tone .. Fralins .. but nordies are a good choice .. i'd be happy to get a pair of nordies in my yammie ... IF ONLY THEY FIT !!! .. RWAR!!!! ... well .. i'm happy with my current pickups ...