What is YOUR Favourite Scale/Mode


New member
I've been busy composing songs for an album and found myself getting a wee bit too attached to the A and D Harmonic Minor Scale.
Maybe its the exotic sounds, or the soulful tone it brings
Or maybe it just sounds...Metally?

Well,I want you people's opinions on what scale or mode is your favourite
So maybe in my 2nd album, I got something better to work with. Locrian Mode maybe? HAHA
not you and your modes again. -.-''' my favourite mode is your favourite mode. coz i can't help but to play your favourite modes coz i had to and i like it. LOL
not indian!!! Middle eastern! HAHA. Its the Harmonic Minor Scale btw
And yea,Kudos to minor pent! Good for blues improv,as soon as you add in the passing note that is. Ok,its no longer minor pentatonic,but nevermind.
I know the tonal assets that the phrygian and locrian hold.
And as I am literally untrained in theory, I would really like to know what kind of tone mode like mixolydian and lydian have. My gf said it was more of a jazzy tone. Experts,please step in LOL
Mixolydian works best with dominant chords and it sounds bluesy somehow in paper.Other modes that work well over the dom chords like the whole tone and diminished(WH).theory wise it fits.

Lydian is more to a major sounding and have its unique feel cause of the whole whole whole half intervals.however u flat the 7, works with the dominant chords cause of the flat 7.

However its how u make use of them bro. :>

hard to explain actually in words bro, cos want to explain also quite long.actually its about the chords and scale or modes relation bro. end of the day just use what u feel is best to ur ears :>
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mine would be the quite highly underrated major scale:P....G major is personal favourite...

Also enjoying the Mixo flat 6 scale.....epic and sad are 2 words that come to mind
Thanks guys,looks like I might not be using them soon if they sound too cheery..LOL,but thanks for the help bro, Lydian sounds interesting