what do you want from your keyboardist?

1. Teacheable and not proud.
2. Teacheable and not proud.
3. Knows how to improvise with different techniques.
4. Knows how to blend in with the rest of the band.
5. Good at sight-reading.
6. Teacheable and not proud.

If I have to choose between a poor keyboardist with good attitude with one who has a bad attitude but good skills, I would choose the former. Skills can always be trained and developed. Attitude is a little more difficult to change. (and musicians, esp keyboardists, do tend to be a little proud...).
i myself is a keyboardist in a band. I guess its almost same role as other parts, all the parts are important. And if youre doing covers without keyboard parts, make sure he knows chords and how to improvise :).. but try to be more kind lar.. play songs that got keyboard parts if he is still not that good yet :)..