what did you get for christmas?

new bass...squier brand...if that's how you spell it...too happy to mention other things
DVD (very long engagement)
Waist pouch (denim material)
coin pouch (thai style)
Absolut Volka Raspberry
PLayBoy compendum handBook (i have no idea .... but it's nice :))
Wah Guitarman, you got some pretty good gifts sial. Vodka Raspberry! I had to buy my own duty-free... not to mention that playboy compendium... :x
personally, i only got....to spend my $....

Bought my buddy an S.H.E album...
Bought my gf a set of drums...
Paid alot for a huge bbq...

oh, i got somethi'n for x'mas......

a hole in my wallet :D