What chorus to get?


New member
Hey guys

Me new here.

Getting a chorus effect for my bass.

What are your recommendations?

Budget under 300

Is Clone THeory good?
clone theory is awesome. it's a bit too ex for me so i'm saving up for a small clone. i've heard very good thing about the fulltone choraflange but i think that's above your budget. some ppl around here like the boss bass chorus but i'd go for the clone theory with your budget.
i think you've gotta ask yourself what you need the chorus for? if it's for simple uses then you may want to consider getting a simple stompbox ... if you want a range of effects you can try a multieffects board ... may suit that purpose better

i'm using a BOSS CE-2B Bass Chorus ... the most beautiful chorus i've heard on the bass so far ... very natural and musical .. you may want to consider that if you are looking for a simple stompbox ... out of production but i think swee lee still carries a few of them ...
chocolate88 said:
I see I see.

Any other interesting chorus that is worth considering?

i kinda like "lithium" by nirvana. y'know, where kurt goes "yeaaaaahhhaaa yeahhhhaahahhh yeahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh" 8)
chocolate88 said:
I see I see.

Any other interesting chorus that is worth considering?
at 10% your budget, the danelectro fab chorus is pretty okay. stock should be coming in pretty soon from what the yamaha guys told me.