Whammy bar


Active member
Hey, recently when i ermm play around with my whammy bar, my amp would give out a slightly distorted noise each time i errmm "whammed" the thing, I have adjusted my guitar tone(I have only 1 tone knob) to the muffled type, the distorted noise is gone, I tried my guitar with my bro's fender amp.. same problem. Can anyone help? :D
Cloudsky said:
Hey, recently when i ermm play around with my whammy bar, my amp would give out a slightly distorted noise each time i errmm "whammed" the thing, I have adjusted my guitar tone(I have only 1 tone knob) to the muffled type, the distorted noise is gone, I tried my guitar with my bro's fender amp.. same problem. Can anyone help? :D

The issue is localised to your guitar setup.

Is this the new Strat you bought?

Suggest you try disassembling and then reassembling your guitar and isolating the sound that way. Also, it'll be a great way for you to familiarise yourself with your guitar.
Cloudsky said:
Its a 2nd hand hand strat , I too scared to open it up, later i might not be able to fix it back 8O

Strats are hardy instruments. They're pretty easy to disassemble and reassemble. Its always good to have a go and see what makes your instrument tick. :D
Should you have concerns, show your Strat to a fellow guitar player.